Do you ever catch yourself saying things that come out of your mouth that your mother or father used to say to you as child. Usually you catch yourself saying it when you’re talking to your own children.
Gosh I sound just like my mum! Does that sound familiar?
Are they empowering things that you say, or do they chastise and keep you playing small?
Indications to me that someone is playing small is the language that they use at networking events, or in 121 online meetings.
Words like
Just this little course that I’ve created
I’m only a
I attended a networking event last week and one of the speakers mentioned the subject of money in her presentation five times. I’m sure no-one else noticed, apart from me. It was obvious to me that she had money challenges.
I want you to promise me that you’ll kindly and gently highlight to people when they’re using limiting belief language.
And mirror it back at them.
You could say something like…
Did you notice that when you shared your story you used the word ‘just’
And you’re not ‘just a designer, business owner, coach etc, you’re a beautiful unique human who creates amazing opportunities for your clients. What might be ‘just a’ to you, may be something valuable to someone else.
They will love you for it. And by reflecting it back at them in that, will help their awareness so that they can change the way they communicate in the future.