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Energy HealingNews

What is a Clairsentient

By January 28th, 2025No Comments1 min read

‘I love your angel wings’ lots of people say when we jump on a Zoom call.
There’s a reason that they’re there. I’m a clairsentient, which means that I feel energy.
A clairvoyant sees things, and I feel them in my body. When I first started energy healing, I used to get sensations in my shoulder blades. I call them my angel wings.
So now, they’ve become part of my brand. They come everywhere with me.
Some clairsentients, have told me that they can see my wings. They move with me when I’m delivering my healing.
This is a special skill when working with my clients, because when there is an intuitive message that we need to take l notice of, my body tells me so that I can share it with them.
It’s like an extra layer of intuitive guidance.
It’s our feminine energy, and when we take notice of this, it’s when the magic starts to happen.
The messages can be to make a certain phone call.
Speak to a particular person.
Take aligned action. Your business will move faster, you’ll quantum leap your goals.
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