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Money is energy

By September 22nd, 2023No Comments3 min read

The fascinating thing about money is that it is simply energy.

The fascinating thing about money is that it is simply energy.  

I know that some of you already know this, but when you really KNOW it, and you know how to clear your energy to receive it, that is when the magic starts to happen.  

Our own personal energy is like a filter, we have limiting beliefs that block us from truly opening up to receive, and I wanted to share how I’ve cleared my blocks and how one tiny little sneaker critter has been blocking me all this time! 

My limiting belief was ….. ‘I do not feel valued.’  

Can you feel how it’s different than ‘I’m not worthy’ or ‘I don’t feel loved?’  

Not feeling valued has a huge effect on the way that things play out in your business life.  

What I discovered was, I didn’t feel valued meant that I was giving away things for free. 

Always add discounts to my pricing. Constantly putting up my guard to make sure people didn’t upset me and poke the ‘value’ button! 

But most importantly I wasn’t paying myself first in my business. In my business, I didn’t value my contribution, and let’s face it, if I don’t value my contribution to my business, then no one else is going to are they?  

Now because money is energy, it needs direction, it needs to know where it is going. A bit like a channel for rainfall to flow. So when I took my own advice and created a standing order each month to pay myself a salary, I could feel something deep inside me shift.  

I was making myself my number one priority in my business. And energetically, the money knows that it needs to arrive at the end of the month, so in it comes. To pay me.  

I also spent some time clearing up my money clutter.  

Your life is a direct reflection of how you believe and act, so knowing exactly what was coming in, and going out was a good piece of work to do to clear up my money clutter.  

I started to value other people for their worth too.  

I  don’t believe in skill-swapping. Because this says to The Universe that you don’t put a value on each other’s skills.  

Plus you don’t do that little happy dance because there isn’t that financial energy exchange when the money drops into your account.  

Pay people what they ask. And I promise you’ll get the same in return.  

This is deep work, but I promise it’s so worth it. If you’d like to explore where you’re holding yourself back, book a complimentary call with me. Because you’re worth it!